Tuesday 13 November 2007


I heard Anne McGachey speak on her evaluation of MLPS at the recent SALT conference. Here is a transcript of my notes. Not many surprises!

She investigated learning and teaching in the MLPS programme.

She was looking
at the quality of learning and teaching
meeting differing learning needs
proficiency in the 4 skills by p7.
evidence of knowledge of the culture of the countries where the language is spoken.
positive attitudes to language learning

key areas:
curricular provision
inclusion – meeting learning needs
cluster partnerships
staff development

After 8 years of language learning pupils should be hitting level D+
what are they getting out of it?

500 hours entitlement – 45 minutes a week is nopt enough

FLA input is good but best when working as team teacher with class teacher

Features of good practice as regards attainment
positive learning environment – a sense of enjoyment
varied approaches to learning and teaching
good levels of confidence and fluency
effective use of ICT
developing understanding of another culture
rigorous self and peer evaluation by pupils and teachers
very effective proactive work by managers
points arising from above:
positive learning environment - displays, physical activity, humour
culture is more than berets, onions and wine
eg art, history
pedagogy: dialogue, feedback – do they know where they are
appropriate differentiation – shared assessment criteria – it helps if they are displayed so they can be referred to
open questions – ask 5 questions in a row

ongoing feedback – lesson review (not often done)
eg what do you know now that you didn’t before
variety: content activity homework – differentiate the homework
she questions the use of colouring and wordsearches

giving homework gives the subject credibility

a 1 hour lesson should have half hour homework, perhaps in shorter bits

challenge: they can do more than they are being asked to
they know outcomes, can they do it themselves?
Inclusion – liaise with Learning support dept

Disaffected children doing access 3 in second language

“ very good” has a sense of enjoyment, excitement, pupils able to discuss their learning - most liked working in pairs
Pupil choice of topic vocabulary learning approaches - variety breadth brisk pace

Choice – say to pupils you need to know x by end of the month, how do you want ot learn it.

pupils regularly speak the language and interact with each other in the language eg in paired work
work collaboratively in projects
experience a variety of activities, some involving movement
have very good opportunities to use ICT actively
make choices
can extend the language they use following hteir interst
had challenging and interesting homework eg teach your brother/budgie
had ready access to support eg dictionaries

effective teachers:

infant teachers are good at phonics
look and say]
all change after 10 minutes
ensured pupils spoke taught all 4 skills
use English to keep pace up
used TL
taught grammar systematically
use ICT
enabled pupils to learn a country (?)
conveyed enjoyment of language learning demand high standards of all pupils
involved pupils inn discussions about their learning
used formative and summative assessment to inform next steps
used resources flexibly to suit evolving needs
set regular HW
liaised with LS
Meeting pupils needs
appropriate leaning for each pupil – differentiation
differing levels of challenge
variety of homework – don’t always pair good pupils with poor ones

3 big messages
pace of learning –start right away, use timers, review at end
teaching - challenge
meeting needs - differentiation

time and cover management, strategic plan
local partnership
international partnerships

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