Wednesday, 27 February 2008


We learnt animal vocab using some really cute finger puppets of jungle animals I got from Puppets by post (amongst other suppliers)
Started with flashcard-type showing and guessing.
Then we passed them round and included some duplicates that the teachers had brought.
Practice saying the animal and the class hold up the roght animal. Vary by passing them around pass the parcel style.
class says J'ai un …
increase what they can say eg
j'ai un lion qui s'appelle Max
Then work with partner . Puppets can talk to each other using personal language.
We looked at how the words were written. All but le singe were cognates. How will we remember singe means monkey. Picture a monkey sitting by a fire and singeing his fur!
Worked in pairs with further words of vocab from the .pdf file pets.
We brainstormed activities with animals and worked on pairs on the language to explain.

I have posted 2 files in ANIMALS folder
Also posted succes criteria for microteaching.

We also did language for organising team games which I haven't posted yet but will do from home.

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