Saturday, 24 November 2007

Homework Dictionary Exercise

Try your dictionary skills
Look up the trees below.
List your answers with gender, cross referencing (by lookoong up your answer in the French side) if necessary .
ash, beech, lime, chestnut, plane, elder

Bring a dictionary with you on Tuesday if you can!

Don't read the comments until you have done the exercise!


Anonymous said...

ash - frêne (m)
beech - hêtre (m)
lime - tilleul (m)
chestnut - chataigner (m)
elder - sureau (m)
pine - pin (m)


Kay McMeekin said...

le frêne ash
le hêtre beech
le tilleul lime
le châtaignier or le marronier chestnut
le sureau elder
le platane plane