Saturday, 29 September 2007

Name game

We did a simple circle game withe the sponge ball. Teacher starts
— Je m'appelle Kay. Et toi? and throws to another.
Repeat until all have had a turn.

Next week we will add the question
— Comment t'appelles-tu?
— Je m'appelle Kay.

Thursday, 27 September 2007


Salut tout le monde! Attention - la prochaine classe a lieu jeudi et non pas mardi!

Next class is Thursday (not Tuesday) 4th October.

Practise reading from pronunciation sheets. The French sounds sheet has an audio file in "my teaching files" link.

Practise numbers too. Laure's recording is there too.

Think up a simple activity to practise the numbers with a class. Think what existing props you could use to help like dice, number fans, dominoes.

Bring the sheets I have you.

Start thinking about collecting resources and making aids. Keep them in topic based folders. eg start by making number cards.

J'attends jeudi avec impatience!

Tuesday, 25 September 2007


For those of you looking to improve their French for beyond the classroom I recommend the BBC Ma France online course.

Might save you a trip to Ayr Mari!

Saturday, 22 September 2007

Day 1 - 25th September

Bienvenue à la classe de français de Kay.

Aujourd'hui on va se présenter et découvrir ce qu'on va faire dans les mois qui suivent.

I will use this blog to record the classes and you can access the notes at any time!

I will post My Teaching Files in this folder, click here and bookmark it!

I have uploaded sound files. Hope they work let me know!

Today we practised name, numbers and looked at some rules of French pronuciation.